A Keegan PLAY-RAH-KA Production
For all ages 11+ A dreadlock-rocking SouthEast DC b-boy and video game geek who crochets his way through “have and have (k)not” meets up with a bald and bearded New Orleanian science teacher turned rhyme speaker who uses comedy to contemplate his place in Trump’s America. Together, they conjure a dynamic cauldron of hip hop, poetry, and theatre to colorfully redefine masculinity, question social and political issues, and celebrate love and the search for home.
Drew Anderson
Dwayne Lawson-Brown
Original Director Duane Richards II
Tour Manager Alexis J. Hartwick
Set Designer Matthew J. Keenan
Lighting Designer Emily Dwornik
Properties / Set Dressing Designer Cindy Landrum Jacobs
Sound Consultant Gordon Nimmo-Smith