Directed by Mark A. Rhea and Colin Smith, with Musical Direction by Jake Null and Choreography by Rachel Leigh Dolan, the beauty of Big Fish lies clearly in the musical spectacle. …
Organized around the tension between storytelling and journalism, with Daddy Edward being the professor of fish tales and Son Will being the lover of facts, the musical’s scenes don’t so much lay out a meaningful plot as they do a series of vignettes that capture either thematic elements or essential moments in the characters’ lives. And the performance ensemble does a fantastic job bringing each of those moments to life.
… With sets by Matthew Keenan and lighting by Allan Weeks, Big Fish‘s scenography highlights the video projection by Patrick Lord. From magical forest to mystical river, the imagery takes the audience to a world beyond the stage.
[I]f you are looking for a feel-good show, with great voices and stimulating dance, then Big Fish is for you.