Over the course of one hot summer night at the family estate in Mississippi, the most cutting and brutally honest lines are tossed, unpleasant truths emerge and greed, lies and long-held secrets reach a boiling point. Set in the Mississippi Delta, CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF is the story of Brick and his wife Maggie, who are celebrating the 65th birthday of Brick’s father, Big Daddy Pollitt. Big Daddy is bothered by the rocky relationship between his beloved son Brick, an aging football hero who has taken up drinking, and his beautiful, spirited wife Maggie. As the hot summer evening unfolds, the veneer of Southern Gentility slips away as unpleasant truths emerge.
CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF first heated up Broadway in 1955 with its gothic American story of brothers vying for their dying father’s inheritance amid a whirlwind of sexuality, untethered in the person of Maggie the Cat.
The play won both the Pulitzer Prize and the Drama Critics Circle Award.

DC Metro Theater Arts Review
“Keegan Theatre’s production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is a production of unique beauty, density and texture. It is a magnificent inaugural presentation for the beloved, new Keegan Theatre. Do not miss this one!”
Washington Life Review
“Tennessee William’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play is a combination of repressed homosexuality, family disintegration, greed and mendacity – raw emotions that are effectively and uncomfortably projected in the present Keegan Theatre production…”
DC Theatre Scene Review
“While the look of the building has changed, the intimate nature of Keegan’s work remains as central as ever. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof essentially invites its audience into the family’s space and psyche in this southern-fried melodrama. A remarkable night of theatre worthy of Keegan’s much-anticipated reopening. Brave the bayou heat and grab a ticket.”
Georgetowner Review
“..a true, authentic version of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof … The Keegan stage has remained the same—it makes any production an exercise in intimacy. With the characters in Cat, this is a proximity that can sear.”
Maggie Brianna Letourneau
Brick Kevin Hasser
Big Daddy Kevin Adams
Big Mama Linda High
Gooper Colin Smith
Mae Kerri Rambow
Reverend Tooker Richie Montgomery
Doc Baugh Timothy H. Lynch
Sookey Jade Jones
Lacey Ian Anthony Coleman
Sonny Calder LeValley
Directors Mark A. Rhea and Susan Marie Rhea
Stage Manager Alexis Rose
Scenic Design Matthew Keenan
Lighting Design Michael Innocenti
Sound Design Tony Angelini
Costume Design Erin Nugent
Properties Design and Set Dressing Carol Baker
Hair and Makeup Design Craig Miller
Publicity Photography Cameron Whitman
Assistant Stage Manager Megan Khaziran
Assistant Sound Design Madeline Clamp