broadway world

TRANS AM by Lisa Stephen Friday, featuring the music of Lisa Jackson & Girl Friday, directed by Fred Berman. Photo: Cameron Whitman Photography
Broadway World Review: TRANS AM
Lisa Stephen Friday could have presented the eight semi-autobiographical songs she worked up with her...
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AN IRISH CAROL by Matthew J. Keenan. Photo: Cameron Whitman Photography
Broadway World Review: AN IRISH CAROL
Matthew J. Keenan's An Irish Carol is an interesting updated take on Charles Dickens' classic,...
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N by Adrienne Earle Pender. Photo: Cameron Whitman Photography
Broadway World Review: N
The Keegan Theatre, as part of its 25th Anniversary Season, is giving Adrienne Earle Pender's...
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Broadway World: TRANS AM
TRANS AM is the autobiographical tale of Lisa Stephen Friday's life so far - her upbringing...
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Broadway World: AIRNESS
Airness by Chelsea Marcantel is in its DC premiere run at Keegan Theatre, co-produced by 1st...
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BroadwayWorld: AN IRISH CAROL 2018
Humbug's my usual reaction when there's yet another variation of "A Christmas Carol" on local...
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BroadwayWorld: AS YOU LIKE IT
Keegan's production [of As You Like It] is not a traditional Shakespearean play, but instead...
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Dating is rough. "Other Life Forms," which premiered at the Keegan Theatre this week, opens...
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The Keegan Theatre's UNNECESSARY FARCE is the comedy we all need in these troubling times....
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Keegan Wins Three Broadway World Awards for 2013
The Keegan Theatre has won 3 Broadway World Audience Choice Awards for 2013: Susan Marie...
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