Timothy Lynch

DC Metro Theater Arts: The Best Man
Performed by an exceptional cast and burnished with meticulous technical oversight and attention to detail,...
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The Keegan Theatre presents Gore Vidal's political corker The Best Man, opening January 25 at...
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The Washington Post: The Sunshine Boys
Ever hear of Lewis and Clark? Not the explorers, the vaudeville team.
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MD Theatre Guide: The Sunshine Boys
...in their production of [The Sunshine Boys], Keegan Theatre is able to adeptly capture the...
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BroadwayWorld.com: The Sunshine Boys
...the Keegan Theatre's production of The Sunshine Boys is an enjoyable evening out and worth...
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DC Metro Theater Arts: The Sunshine Boys
Do you like to laugh? If you don’t, you should probably see a doctor about...
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PRESS RELEASE: The Sunshine Boys
The Keegan Theatre presents Neil Simon's classic comedy, The Sunshine Boys, opening September 28 at...
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DC Theatre Scene: An Irish Carol
Not your father's Christmas Carol.
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Washington City Paper: A Couple of Blaguards
...it isn’t so much a play as an amiable raconteurial relay wherein the brothers indulge...
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The Washington Post: A Couple of Blaguards
A few minutes into Keegan Theatre’s revival of “A Couple of Blaguards” it will occur...
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BroadwayWorld.com: A Couple of Blaguards
It’s nice to see the company return to its Irish roots once again.
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The Hoya: A Couple of Blaguards
You’ll laugh and then continue to laugh for so long that you’ll forget that you...
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